
So. It's been a very long while. Blaming both travel and skyrim on my absence.

However. It's now the final stretch kendo wise. Less than a month to Sandan. So I'll have to get really focused now.

Today is my first keiko of the new year, travel (and a lack of contacts) kept me from attending kangeiko.

Having said that, I wanted to let my feet take a good rest while I had the excuse, so I dont think I would have gone anyway. The last day of keiko saw 3 new cracks on the balm of my right foot. Never have I experienced anything like this dryness!

Anyway. I'll be doing some retrospective blogging from Christmas to now. And hopefully you can all get a clear idea of what I've been up to!

So. Tonight's aim is to shake off the cobwebs (nearly 3 weeks worth!)

In general the aim this month/year is

- no pressing down before attack
- debanna men/kote
- kote men
- improve spirit
- better movement from the feet and hips
- relaxed shoulders - strong core
- no backward movement

Anyway. I'll make a post about Christmas later this evening!

Happy New Year!

Also. I'm on this dojo's blog!
