Keiko with Torikai Sensei

Had my first keiko after a week off last night.

Torikai Sensei was there!! I haven't practiced with him since last August!

It was a great class. As always with him! Full on waza!

Torikai Sensei Michinoko - June 5th 2012 keiko menu!

Kirikaeshi x 1
Men men dou dou kirikaeshi x 1
Men from issokuitto no maai
Men from kensen to kensen (creeping in to distance and striking with ichibyoshi, timing of one)
Kote men

Right now it gets tough!

Harai kote kote

Bring the kensen down and to the left strike opponents shinai away to the right. Called "ura harai"
(various timings, with all three at once, a pause between harai and kote kote, or harai kote, kote)

Harai kote kote men

Harai kote gyaku do

Harai kote maite men (maite from maku- to roll "maki waza") strike harai kote, your now on the ura side, make a sweep the the right with your shinai to push your opponents shinai further away from the centre and strike men

Katsugi kote gyaku do

We did something else with gyaku do, but I've forgotten!

Next we did uchikomi geiko,

Men x2 kote men x 2 kirikaeshi x 1
A quick break and jigeiko.

Overall a great lesson. I'm aiming now at getting more at my timing and seme rather than fitness and I hope I can keen alot from Nagashima Sensei ad Torikai Sensei at michinoko.

Torikai senseis kendo is amazing. His footwork is on another level. He was showing the importance of kirikaeshi (not the exercise but the actual returning cuts) in keiko by having opponents block one side and he then strikes the opposite men or do. Or even kote. Using super quick wrists and amazing hiraki ashi footwork!

He is just a beast.

One important thing ill do from now on also,Torikai Sensei keeps his feet perfectly positioned at all times, never letting the left right foot get too far ahead. It was great to watch his keiko again!
