Check out the fantastic Nihon Kendo Kata on display below in the 6th/7th Dan division of the 12th Tokyo Kata Tournament held in 2017.
Competitors from Keishicho (Tokyo Metro Police) in red, face off against Nishi Tokyo (West Tokyo) in white. This is a highly polished version of Kendo Kata, the competitors usually practice for months in advance.
The winner in this video was the team from the Tokyo Metro Police, or Keishicho in Japanese.
You can see the video below!
Competitors from Keishicho (Tokyo Metro Police) in red, face off against Nishi Tokyo (West Tokyo) in white. This is a highly polished version of Kendo Kata, the competitors usually practice for months in advance.
The winner in this video was the team from the Tokyo Metro Police, or Keishicho in Japanese.
10th Tokyo Kendo Kata Taikai
I also took part in this Taikai when I was living in Tokyo. As a representative of Shibuya-Ku in the 3rd Dan and below division, we progressed to the second round and came up against the eventual champions, Keishicho. It was rather unfortunate to meet them so early!You can see the video below!
Written by John Doherty